
Name's Bio


Sunday, May 29, 2005

bro came bck, got prezzies, lousy comp. keyboard not working properly. tons of hw realli spoilt cant type much comp beeping realli loudly wanna scream oh ya maid goin off too big trouble me in sch sux miss tk miss euphoria tired

x 9:03 PM

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

juz found out my timetable. turns out i haf to go to sch 4 the 1st 2 wks of june. gah, then i haf chi oral on the 2nd, exams straight after the 'hoildaes' end, PLUS pw. god, i m so fucking dead.i seriously pity the nxt batch. if they survive nxt yr, i'll kowtow to them. freaking hell.

was goin to write abt the bright side, then i realised that there is no bright side, cept 4 the fact tt my bro is coming bck tmr and hopefully he will be able to fix my comp as soon as possible, then i can d/l stuff. oh, n i got 30/30 4 my chem pract, it was the only time during a pract i actually felt smart(usually i juz copy pple's ans). sadly, i couldn feel tt way all the time. haiz... on the other hand, i got 20/100, which is an F, for the mini redox test todae, wad a difference man, the gd thing is tt i haf a classmate hu got 8/100 and only one person in the entire class passed. so ya, hopefully tmr will be better, though i dun realli c how...

i seriously dunno y i took chem, oh wait, i noe y, cus i wanted bio. rite. tts it, i wan to quit sch.

x 9:33 PM

Sunday, May 22, 2005

went to tkg yest. felt like goin hme.. n i realli mean it, although they chged the sch a bit, its still the same old sch, miss the library, small but homey, compared to sr's one.. np rm also, the music, the curves(n i dun mean the gurls) the circular blk where u can juz scream across the tok to sumone else, not like sr, haf to walk a whole rd to go frm A to B.

but i wouldn wan to go bck without my sqdmates, tt wuld be meaningless.. skipped the 'campfire' to go void deck n toked, juz like the gd old daes, cept tt we or rather i, picked up cards n taught nuraini, she's a fast learner.

seems like everyone is in hockey or floorball, or in sum sports cca.

i miss euphoria.

x 12:29 PM

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

1st time ever i come hme so late, left sch at 7, reached hme at 8. i had discus n tug of war todae, fri got javelin.

discus was sad. haha, tug of war too actually. realli dun like boys...

i had 3 strikes 4 discus. XXX. all faults. haha, i cant throw lah, tts practically the 1st time i threw discus, how i throw properly u tell me? but still, faults all the way.. n tt was the finals too, cus too little pple to haf qualifying rounds and all.

then tug of war,the grd was muddy, so we took off our shoes. we haf like half the no. of pple compared to other houses, n all gurl, most of them in my class too. we r aquila btw, n we fought against cetus, which has little pple also, but all boys, so its like the battle of the sexes. amazingly, we won. the 1st rd tt is, then we got dragged to the grd 4 the nxt 2 rds. literally, i didn get too dirty cus i hanged on to the rope. 1st time i 'played' in the 'mud'.. more like puddles though..

i got bck my chem todae. i got a C and an F. overall, AO pass. haha, quite gd lah, considering i didn study, its the mass spec tt helped.

my math teacher sae our class got 2 passes.[which is 13.5 upon 30] so ya, at least i can be comforted tt im not the only one hu failed..

bio was ok yesterdae, didn realli understand some of the Qs but overall it was ok. hopefully..

PI is DONE. for real. im soooo happy!!! but now i haf to do the GPP. =P

its seems tt mj is doin their oral aready. mine is 1st wk of june holidae. then this sat haf to make up 4 the maths n chem lectures im missing tmr cus of sum stupid tok. so im not free this sat... WAHHHHH!!! bloody sch, making me miss so many impt lectures... i fail then u noe.

ok, gtg, chem teacher bck n bitching, so now need to go do hw. n to those goin 4 wadever elections, GOOD LUCK!!!!!

x 9:30 PM

Sunday, May 15, 2005

1st time i meet my frends on sun. haha, 1st time i study so hard 4 a test also, i realli cant fail bio though, i'll kill myself 1st. hopefully the test not so hard..

i tink i haf to redo my pi, my idea a bit like a fantasy to me, need a lot of money to build.

still haf a lot of hw. hopefully the holi will cum soon.

x 7:41 PM

Thursday, May 12, 2005

juz got my grp 4 pw. n guz hu i got stuck wf. the idiot selfish inconsiderate guy frm my gp. hu didn do anetink 4 the presentation which is due tmr. he. is. an. utter. idiot. the male version of lx. but ten times worst. retribution i tell u, retribution.

sooo, other than tt, my other grp members r ok, i haf a D in my grp, which is kool. haha. D is dominant btw, im a S or C = family person or very detailed, frm wad i rmbed. my pi is goin well, i juz need prove that s'pore is lacking in the tourism department then i can do my pi. n im DONEEEE. DONE i say haha.

then todae they were nominating pple to go 4 the captain, v-captain n secretary 4 the houses n guz wad? 2 pple nominated me 4 secretary!!! haha, tts sooo kool. i was almost tempted to go, but secretary need to write in the newsletter or sumtink n i cant write. at all. so ya. but its still kool though, me, being nominated haha. though the guy hu supposingly nominated me was kinda saying yan ting in this realli idiotic deep voice n he mite not be calling me but im the only one in my class wf a ting, so he shuld be calling me rite? or is it juz my wishful thinking...

n i got hme late todae n my mom wasn happy. my dad was sorta screaming at me. then he asked me 4 my sch no. but like the sch noe me is it? sheesh. then i didn gif him n he nv ask aready. ??. weird dad i haf.

ok. weird thing i noticed after reading sy's entry. she noes a jinyu. n my classmate is jinyu. she noes a wilfred. my ct rep is wilfred. creeeeppyy...

ohoh, u noe tt time i wrote abt this handsome guy whom the teachers think r handsome? i 'analysed' y he looks gd. n i tink i noe y. 4 one thing, he has white teeth, he's tall. but ya, i tink i noe where the handsome part comes in, rosy lips. n the eyelashes, realli thick. n the complexion, completely smooth lor, sooo unfair. cus this other guy in mind games also look like tt, smooth complexion n rosy lips n all n he looks cute. but he's forgetful n deaf. literally btw, on the right ear, or was it left...

haizzzzz y cant i haf their kind of complexion? its so unfair, they shuld haf pimples all over n oozing pus.

ok. tts eww.


hw 4 wkend. maths file, fin tut. chem redox assignment, gases tut. bio enzymes tut n study 4 test, biological molecules. gp journal.

tts frm todae. still haf tmr...

i hate sch. i failed my chem n maths. chem 6 Q. did 3, wrongly summore. maths 3Q did 1.5 the 0.5 wrong also. but then i didn study 4 tt one, so ya, fail also expected one. totally forgot all my formulas. oh ya, forgot to add. [memorise maths n chem formulas] the paper was easy lor, juz tt i didn rmb the formulas. blech.

oh ya, my curtain wearing teacher? she wore sumtink decent todae. much nicer man. it was a blouse n skirt btw. ok, dun tell her this k? but i tink she has no need to wear a bra. cus she was wearing a singlet under her blouse, which was white. ok, u guys dunno her, but if u ever do, which i hope not, dun tell her tt. she'll kill me.

rite. im perverted.


hw to do. things to memorise. sleep to sleep. gtg.

x 9:11 PM

Thursday, May 05, 2005

eh. i tink writing my troubles out realli help. at least i didn feel as depressed todae. finally got my grpmates n tried to haf a meeting on sat. but the only guy, (the other one was a gurl) lives in redhill? sumwhere there, apparently he lives very far n doesn want to come bedok to do the gp presentation. so i said ok, we meet in sch. but he doesn wan to either (u can hear ripping by now, yes, its my hair.) so i said to stay bck after pe to discuss wad to do then we go hme n get info. n he bloody ran off after pe. I HATE BOYS. idiots, the lot of them. IDIOTS.

luckily the gurl stayed, so i culd do sum work, she even wanted to cancel the appt on sat to meet 4 the grp wrk. n the guy is lazy to come to sch. im not asking u to come early in the morning u noe. idiot. idiot. idiot.

is there such a thing as a gurls jc? cus i tink im goin to save all the gurls the trouble of facing boys by setting up an all gurls jc.

there's this guy in my class hu is apparently very handsome. my ct sae he's handsome. my chem teacher sae he's handsome. my gp teacher sae he's handsome. cus the other guys keep turning to face him, so they sae he handsome so they keep staring at him. the funny thing is, i tink he is ok ok ah, (u noe guys haf better complexion than gurls? tt is sooooo unfair.) but not exactly handsome lor. or mb its juz me. shall post a class pic as soon as we haf one n point it out to u all. then u tell me he handsome not. n he's tall too. grrrrr. 2 boys taller than me. i dun like.

i juz found out i didn need to copy out my protein tut cus i did aready. haha, yay tts one less hw. but tts also the last of my 1st 3 mths tuts, so now i haf to DO the tut. bad. then i haf chem redox tut which i dun understand half of n in which there r tons of equations to memorise. im sooo dead. maths im still as lost as ever, i missed one maths n chem lecture yest cus of tekong so now i haf to catch up. whic means revision. n my MI needs to be memorised. i haf a test nxt mon, maths class test, tue, chem I, wed, chem II, thur, maths lecture test. nxt nxt mon, bio lecture test, thur, pi.

im a gonner. PLUS, i got bck my last maths test, ap gp n summation. 5/10. which is quite gd since i didn realli study 4 it. and my chem assignment got D 51% i was horrified. i MISSED a bloody question!! a whole bloody question, not i dunno how to do, i totally missed it, as in i skipped frm 3 to 5 w/o doin 4!!! flipping hell! god. im nv doin tt again. nv. apparently the grades r counted in CA, they taking top 3, i tink, not confirm yet, so im goin to take my assignments seriously now. seriously. god. a D. n im aiming 4 A? PLUS, its the easiest topic of the lot lor. eck.gah.horrified.

x 9:50 PM

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

new skin, nice nice??? i didn realli like the position of the tb but i cant seem to be able to take it out, haizz... nvm, its still nice though.

went to tekong todae, found out abt how the ns pple live. saw a lot of cute guys, also saw mushy food which my frends said r nice, didn try meself so i dunno.

was reminising abt tkg this morning. i miss the uniform, my frends, the food, the free times, my frends, the teachers, cca, the music(u noe i went frm a music sch to an art sch?), the np rm, the air, scenery, girls(not like tt), jannah, simone, maggy, nat, farah, diyana, ema, nic, lily, irah, sheena, yun qi, soo ting, wendy, fatin to state a few, hell, i even miss lx.

haiz.. im a total outcast in sr, i mingle wf everyone, but no one 'keeps' me, there was a grp wk thing todae n i got stuck wf the other outcast in my class. a guy, n im missing a member, n i haf to do the speech on mon.

i miss my frends, my sec sch daes, the long daes in which we do nutink. i miss the air we breathed, the greenery. i dread goin to sch everydae, i haf no frends, nutink to look forward to. im lagging behind my work, i haf 3 tests nxt wk which i haven studied 4, and the bloody pi. i haf pe tmr, n a long dae, the wkend is coming but all i c is work. i noe im lazy, but tt nv seemed to drag me down b4, i dun realli noe wads wrong, but i miss my frends. it hurts to look ard me n see no one i noe, i hang wf my classmates but i feel so far away. i feel extra, left out, even when they try to tok to me. i feel sick all the time, n i only feel better when i come hme. the net seems to be my only cure.

i hate sr. i seriously hate it. frm the field to the pple. i want my sec sch, i wuldn mind studying if i had my frends, hu i only c once a wk. i feel myself when im wf them, even if we r doin nutink. i realli hope we wuldn drift apart, i cant stand it. ive cursed more times todae then in my last 4 yrs. its a bad dae.

im so emotional todae, n im not even half as stressed as say soon ying or nat.

I smile because it hides the pain; I laugh because it makes me forget about everything that's happened; I live my life pretending that everything's okay... Even though it isn't.

x 8:28 PM