
Name's Bio


Thursday, April 28, 2005

ok, was done wf my pi yesterdae, buttt, the teacher sae my pi missing sumtinks, so now i haf to edit sum, apparently my evaluation is quite gd. .:biggrin:. haha, so im goin to do it now.. er, after im done wf this entry. then tmr got maths test n i haven study yet, the teacher, mr cheu, very weird, blew his head up over nutink... weird, then he sae tt the hoped that we wuld do well in our tests cus we asked 4 it to be pushed bck 1 wk. haiz.. i tink will fail. dreamt tt i handed in a blank script yest. .:horrified:. haizzzz, sch wrk piling up. i haf bio, lipids n carbo to rewrite, chem tut n study, by todae, gp speech and reading n essay outline. ah crap. im in big trouble. ok. prioritise. pi, gp, maths. k. i can do tt. shall update sum other time.


x 7:45 PM

Monday, April 25, 2005

i juz realised that pple tend to write insightful thots in their blogs. *scrolls past all my ex-posts* how cum i dun haf ane?

are blogs here to let u post ur more insightful thots? or r they to let u vent ur frustration at the world? it is ur blog rite? so its ur right to write wadever u wan, but is it an unwritten rule that u haf to write deep thots? ur reflections, revelation.

dah. my "insightful thots".

god im pathetic.

x 9:19 PM

i finally haf an idea for pw, n apprently, the teacher has nv heard of the idea b4, so it sounds promising. so wads the idea?, *whisper whisper*, brilliant rite? haha, im not saying, later pple copy, i went thru a lot of scolding frm the teacher to finally get this idea which made the teacher 'look at me wf another eye' diract translation frm a chi word, phrase thing -gua mu xiang kan- not very sure how u 'spell' it..

aneway, its very interesting, and i hope its acceptable, haha, mb s'pore will accept my idea and do it. *pretty castle in the sky* haha. haiz.

haf toooonnss of hw, haven done ane of them. im suppose to do a speech 4 gp summore. but at least the teacher is interesting, my 1st 3 mths teacher was very boring.. her name is miss latha, very pretty teacher, she's indian btw.

my math teacher sux. mr chew, he's my 1st 3 mths teacher summore. *tortured* haizzz.

at least my bio teacher is ok, mr ow. keep calling him mr peh, dunno y also, he doesn look anetink like mr peh.. he keeps teaching us how to analyse the question and stuff, interesting, but sumtimes we juz wan the bloody ans u noe? he's lucky he has all these 3 periods of bio tut to fill up, otherwise, we'll prob be still at water tut.. glad i came bck to sr, i can skip alot of tut work for bio, n get extra practice for chem. i tink i noe my mole concept very well now. C=12 N=14 O=16 Cl=35.5 B=10.8 Br=137(i tink, or was it I? hmmm...) Na=23 etc etc. now in juz need to learn how to form proper formulas n i'll be set to go. haha, my teacher is on maternal leave, so relief teacher now, guz hu? its miss yong!! haha, im serious! but she's not our tkg bio miss yong ah, i wish man, this teacher sux. ok, mb not sux, but i dun realli like her much.

haf i told u? a bio n chem (mine) teacher are on maternal leave in my sch, at the same time, mb they had an orgy? hahahahahahahaha omg, im soooooo sick..

ok, ignore wad i juz wrote.

gah, i realli need to do my hw.. eheh, if u all having ane study session, ask me along k? i wan to hang out wf u guys, but i realli need to do my work, like last sat, went out the whole n didn do ane work when i came bck. then had to stay up to fin gp n cheated wf the rest, copy 4 maths n chem, n i still haf a lot of Q i dunno how to do. forgot my tie this morning too, got scolded again, at least we stayed in aircon rm most of the time, so wasnt as irritated as last wk, even if it was 32- crap, no degree sign.. but ya, reaking hot todae n yest, tmr got pe summore.

ahhhh, crap lah, gimme the 5 items anetime, i'll even do it thrice to drop the 2.4, n my sch says tt if we dun get silver or gold for the 1st try, we haf to do it again while those hu passed play. like my highest grade is bronze, u wan me to get silver?? im prepared to fail aready. shall gif up the games, not tt i even had a choice... haiz, i wan javelinnnnn, or dicus, juz let me throw sumtink. wanna spear my ct.

total bitch man, n skinny like a bamboo, literally, she wears curtains and is totally flat, its no wonder she's a miss man, and a total grouch, i got the worst ct ever man. not to mention our lucky lucky class has 4 teachers for pw, so now we haf a lot of guidance, hence my scolding. haiz.. i tink it's becus my class is the sub sci one, supposingly very lousy... bias..


x 9:10 PM

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

yay!!! haha, finally uploaded the new bckgrd, turns out i haf to chg the format to jpg instead of bmp. haha nice nice?

i tink im addicted to coffee. is tt a gd thing or a bad thing? i didn drink ane yest, n i culdn stay awake. i drank todae, n i culd concentrate. oh man, i hope im not, dun wan to depend on coffee to wake me up.

lots of hw n none done. crap.

x 5:43 PM

Monday, April 18, 2005

gah, todae was terrible. still cant believe they put mon as a long dae.. not tt its much better 4 the other dae..

i had 4 tut period of bio. a total killer man, since 3 of them r in a row, cus the j2 got exam, so we cannot do pract, so we had tut. haiz.. total killer man. was half dead when it fin, then got the super boring maths lect, which i culdn stay awake in. suprisingly, its chem which i stayed awake.. weird..

haiz, then when i got hme, the internet wasn working, so i took out the modem n tried to connect it, but it did work, so i took out the wireless thing n put it outside. now it works like a charm, hardly any disconnection. but still, wireless sux. nv buy wireless.

then now i haf bio water n lipids tut to do, then got the pi also, n gp research, i haf to collect an article every wk to write my comments on, chem hw i fin, so tts one down, n maths, which im soooo dead 4, like i noe wad the bloody hell r they doin when i was struggling to stay awake.. haizz...

cant wait 4 the wkend man, n todae is only mon.. *sob* shuld haf studied when i had the time.. regrets..

every thing is not goin my way, even the website dun wan to upload my new bck grd.


x 9:20 PM

Sunday, April 17, 2005

juz fin watching fma. truthfully? im a bit confused. but overall, i wanna cry, its a sort of sad ending, and i realli admire alphose's spirit, haiz.. cant believe it.. i tink i haf to rewatch everything to understand it. but seriously, i tink i almost cried when roy 'died', like bloody hell man, dun scream if he isn dead. scared me half to death..

but many thx to kh for burning the dvd 4 me. juz found out my bro taking the laptop wf him on his trip, 4 6 wks to australia. almost screamed. but luckily he fixed my comp b4 he went off, and i can watch dvd on his comp. so ya. he can take it.. i wont die.. haha.

juz found out one of my classmate has the vcd 4 pot. epi 142 onwards to ard 160 plus. sooo, now im goin to borrow it frm her. hopefully i wont be too busy to fin watching it. i still haf to fin my maths n bio hw... lets all hope the teacher is nice n wont demand 4 it tmr.. n i hate ap gp..

haiz. those pple in jc, gd luck wf ur pi. cus i realli dunno wad to do 4 it..

x 8:17 PM

Friday, April 15, 2005

guz wad? im treasurer again!! haha, fun fun, wan to 'apply' 4 treasurer in mind games also, joining mind games, then can chill while doin cca. haha kool man. only bad thing is that i cant play taidee, teacher dun allow, only bridge. but nvm, got other games to play also.

sch's ok, still quite slack, juz got my time table, n the latest is 4.45, earliest abt 3 i tink. got to do hw now, then can go watch fma which lovely kh burned 4 me. yay!!

i read a romance bk.

x 8:10 PM

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

im gonna cry. *sob* Maes Hughes died!!!!

brief bio:

Maes Hughes

Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes is a solder belonging to the internal affairs branch of the military. Hughes and Mustang have been close friends for a long time and maintain a deep bond. Hughes has promised to help Mustang climb to the top of the military.

Even though he is often busy on missions, he is still a family man who is constantly thinking of his family. His family consists of his loving wife and daughter.

pic of wife n daughter:

Maes's family

cant believe it, still thot he wuld stand up after Envy shot him, stupid Envy, wad's so nice abt him, asshole, he didn even do anetink!!! *sob* then... then when the daughter ask y is he buried? *wahhhhh* *sob* cant believe it, nv thot he wuld die, bring him back!!!!!! *waahhhhhhh* god. stupid Envy, ass.


Envy the homunculi, and asshole hu wears a skirt. thot he was a she. heh. wadever, either way, he/she is still an ass

juz 4 ur info, Maes isnt my fav character, but he's still nice though. now i wanna but the vcd 4 fma too. n i haven bought the saiyuki one. need money.

hikaru no go juz finished too. todae is a sad sad dae, keep losing at taidee n minesweeper when i play wf ili. haiz, not my dae man..

x 8:55 PM

Saturday, April 09, 2005

fun fun todae, went bowling, but i tink my ball went into the drain more often than not.. wonder y.. then we went escape which is small, pathetic, idiotic, useless, crappy piece of shit. if ane foreigners went there i wuld be extremely embarressed. then we went comic connection n bought a fma deck, then it turns out to haf diff pic of ugly anime i dunno, so luckily i went to ask the counter person, n they let me chg the deck to a diff one. nice pple. n the new one, which was also the one kh asked me to buy turns out to be very nice, haha, shuld haf listened to her.

then we went to mac to teach them taidee, very fun, haha, so now i can play taidee wf them whenever we run out of things to tok or sumtink, not quite possible, but ya.

now i wan to teach them bridge, but i need 4 players to demo, shall ask sumone else to join us nxt time..

x 10:30 PM

Friday, April 08, 2005

crap, im so beat, hu knew editing a skin is such hard work... it was interesting though, the positions a bit off, but other than tt it shuld be ok lah, mite fine tune it when i haf ane 'brilliant' ideas to fix it, editing the pic is crap man, so glad im not doin art, digital or otherwise.

x 10:10 PM

Thursday, April 07, 2005

guz wad? im stuck in sch again, this time i haf until 10.45 to kill, and this keyboard suck..

guz finished pw tok, n im totally lost, dunno wad the bloody hell i m suppose to do, all i noe is that we haf more individual work than grp work, which also means i cant slack. haiz...

i think im doin the nature one, looks more interesting..

btw kh, i dun do gayish skin, i do very simple ones, so if u want sum fancy borders n stuff like the one u haf now then i dun tink i can do it very fast, need to go research 1st. it will prob look like mine now, but diff positions and stuff, then i can chg the entries to put titles instead of dates. can do alterations, but i mite need u wf me, then i dun need to keep callin u or anetink..

and can u pass me the bckgrd as soon as possible? realli need to start studying now... (all tok n no action, haha )n make sure its like wallpaper size, otherwise not nice, very blurry or it will keep repeating n stuff..

x 9:40 AM

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

now in sch lib trying to kill time, i haf until 1 b4 i culd go get my timetable n then go 4 cca. wanted to go 4 shooting. but since they didn msg me, i tink i will go 4 mind games, i c how ili wants it. ah damn, i tink i forgot to bring my fone. damn.

juz rmb y i hated chem, y the bloody hell m i taking chem?? haiz, i swear im possessed, i dunno wad the bloody hell i m doin...

culd haf watched sum movie, but the two tv used up aready, i had 3 hrs to kill, now, 2 n a half.

wanna go hme!!!

oh ya, juz rmb, I GOT INTO BIO CHEM!!!!! hahahahahaha, cheer 4 me!! happy happy!! ah crap,now i sound like sy..

sooooo, now i can start studying, haf to go thru bio notes again, n chem notes, they doin atoms, molecules and moles thingy again. so can revise during then i guz, though its realli boring..

juz started ap 4 maths, n i didn bring my notes, how dumb was tt?

juz realised how slow sr is, the ap they did was almost the same as the one maths lecture i went in mj, which is abt 1 mth ago?? like how slow is tt??

haiz, now im realli glad i came bck, at least i can skip all the makeup lecture though im suppose to go study, but ya... wth, wadever lah.

[Murphy's Mothers Laws] When you are broke, ask mom for a loan. She will help you remember what you wasted all your money on.

x 10:30 AM

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

results not out yet... irritated, haf to wait till tmr morning to find out, then till the end of sch to get my timetable. bloody hell man, i wan to noe if i got in!!!! grrr... shuld haf studied harder, then i dun haf to get stuck in sr and waiting to get into a double sci course, cant believe im only one grade away frm the hassle of appealing, realli shuld haf studied harder.

at least i learnt my lesson though, grades realli r impt. irritated.

then the bloody uniform is also bloody hot, n i stayed in the lib practically the whole dae cus there is no bio, chem, maths or gp the whole dae, got chi ah, but i went 4 it aready, so i ponned, will prob fall asleep if i went aneway..

finished 'a man called dave' haiz, so sad, aneone got 'a lost boy'? wan to fin the series. the lib dun haf 'a child called it' or 'a lost boy', but they haf 'a man called dave', like how weird is tt?

then i still dunno wad cca to join, i tink i will go shooting tmr, then nxt wk mind games, then media club, cus i haf one mth trial, so can c c 1st.

sumone thot my skirt is too long, but it looks ok to me, shuld i shorten it? n i miss my pinafore!!! wahhhh!!!! dun haf to worry the blouse being too tucked in or anetink, and then u haf to make sure it stays halfway tucked in and halfway tucked out, or u look like an idiot soooo aneone got extra shoelace thingy?? then i can juz tie it up. blech, i hate jc uniform..

realli need to learn how to read emotions, i tink im realli insensitive..

[Murphy's love laws] Sex is like snow; you never know how many inches you are going to get or how long it is going to last.

x 4:59 PM

Monday, April 04, 2005


x 8:57 PM

Sunday, April 03, 2005

was juz staring at my blog and i found out that i realli like it. shall keep it. hehe. lotr rulez, specially the war scenes. happy happy, mite juz go n buy the set myself, hmmmm...

x 3:37 PM

Friday, April 01, 2005

haiz, wuldn noe my result until nxt tue. hopefully i wuld get into bio chem n not phy econs, chem econs or phy comp econs. the teacher sae that i still haf to make the 3 choices in the online registration so that if the appeal 4 bio chem is not successsful then they will choose sumtink frm the 3. but the thing is i dun like ane of the 3, i want bio chem. grrr...

x 4:16 PM