
Name's Bio


Thursday, March 31, 2005

cant believe the dae i want to type sumtink is the dae my mom took the laptop. my bro haven fin fixing the comp yet. apparently, he has too go sim lim to get sumtink. and he is having exams now, so i dunno when will it be fixed. he's leaving for australia on the 16 i tink, and his exams end on the 14th, haiz..

i nv thot that i wasnt afraid of death, i know that there wasnt anetink to be scared of and nv understood why pple r scared of death, but the concept of me being not afraid of death was nv brought up.

on mon, i had fiesta nite, which was a whole lot nicer that the 1st ori where we go ard jumping like a lunatic, so i reached hme at 9, which also means that i missed my 6pm show. but luckily, there is a repeat at 12am. so i stayed up to watch.

at 12.10 or so, i felt giddy, as in i felt myself swaying back n forth, but since i occasionally haf these spells, i thot nutink of it. until i heard the wind chimes ringing, but there was no wind, and aneway, it was swaying the opp direction of the supposed direction of the wind aneway. so i looked up, n realli felt the whole house swaying, as in it was like rocking the whole block. so instantly, i knew it was a quake, i mean, it cant be the wind rite? so guz wad i thot then. 'ok, dun toppled, wait until i finish my show 1st, abt 40min later' then i was like, what the hell was i thinking? but since the show was still on, i thot nutink of it.

amazing how selfish i am, i cant believe i didn even thot of waking my family to run downstairs or anetink until i saw the news the nxt nite. like where in the world is my survival instincts!! ah well, at least we r ok though, no wonder i found it too noisy when it was after 12 midnite.. frankly rite, i tink its safer if it toppled when we r still at hme, cus i live at 17th floor, so lesser debris than goin to 1st floor and the building toppled on u rite?

crap lah.


i finally bought my uniform. the person in charge of selling the uniform sucks man, (btw, forgot to add 'suck' for my vulgarities list, im sure u noe wad it means rite?) there is like a super long queue, and they dun haf the common sense to go move some of the stock to the other end of the canteen. then the entire cohort(abt 900) has to go queue at that one pathetic line. grrrr.. so i had to wait until todae to go buy it, im ever grateful to my frend (whom i forgot her name) for dragging me wf her to go buy, granted, i still cut queue, but at least i got my uniform, so what the hell. im goin to miss the freedom of pinafores, at least u dun haf to bother making sure that ur blouse is untucked to the appropriate length so that u dun haf to look like a dork. then i haf a belt and a tie. i haf never touched a tie in my lifetime, like help!!


haiz, now i still dunno if i shuld go 4 media club or shooting or mind games.

media club is boring, but very slack, basically they meet every wed to discuss 4 abt 1 hr plus then we juz go ard taking photo during events n stuff. hardly ane pts at all. then the photography competition also dun need to join to enter, so wads the pt rite?

shooting also, i cant shoot so i cant earn pts by competitions or anetink, and i doubt i can be the president or anetink.

mind games, is also very very very slack, basically, u go there and play games every wed, 2 to 4.30. tts all. im realli tempted to go for mind games, but i need the pts, soooo haiz. dunno ah.


then my combi also, i wan to take bio chem, which is double science and i need A 4 phy/chem, which i dun haf, so i tried appealing and the teacher sae that if i dun c bio chem as one of my choices on the list the comp analysed 4 me tmr, which is the dae i choose my combo, then my appeal wasnt successful. so, pray 4 me k? cus i realli dun noe wad to else i culd do..


x 10:15 PM

Friday, March 25, 2005

lotr was nice! heh, nv c 4 so long, now i wan to watch e 3rd one.. looove the war scenes, culd care less abt frodo..

haiz, went out practically the whole dae, 1st, i went to church n fell asleep, not my fault k, the pastor was bloody boring. dunno how he can tok nonstop for 1 hr. freaky.

then, i got dragged to my mom's office to help her move 2 cupboards, they picked it up frm the rubbish bin. or rather beside it, cus its too big to fit into a bin, its like taller than my father. n we moved it to the office and my father fixed it outside the office after we moved it alllll the way up to 4th floor. thank god 4 lifts. or rather big lifts, no use if its too small.

then we went hme to pick up my bro n sis n went to see my grandparents, on my mum's side. they r dead btw. then we had a super early dinner at 5 plus. i missed my shows, so im stayin up 4 e 12am repeat. i love cable.

oh ya, im resigned to sr, its goin to stick wf me 4 life. but, i figured, since even sr has 68 pointers, i dun tink it matters wad sch u go to rite? sooo, i juz haf to works hard, i juz dun haf the environment to help. easier said than done, but since my future kinda depends on my a levels, i better gif it all i've got.

its a gd tink cca pts arent need now, cus the 25hrs frm chingay and the one participation pt 4 rd race wuldn matter much now. hopefully i can get into the cc and get summore pts, treasurer is kinda fun.

ive done a bit of self reflection and i found that my attitude to my frends realli sux. its a wonder where i found such gd frends hu understand, tolerate and support me. i thank you all. and pls tell me if im bitchy or anetink, cus i dun noe e meaning of bitchy and needs to be told.

i noe ive been incredibly moody these past mths, but being seperated frm pple i haf been seeing every dae 4 the past 4 yrs is kinda hard on me. i dun realli haf experience in handling wf frends outside of my 'circle' its kinda hard to keep up, i noe everyone goes thru this but i get attached easily, and i need closure, which i dun get if i wan to stay in touch wf my sec sch frends. tts y i hardly rmb my pri sch mates. i kinda adopted a new personality when i entered sec, not sure if its a gd one, but at least i haf sum frends.

i used to tink that having frends caused me to haf lower grades, cus i kept failing in sec 1, its a stupid thinking, cus now i noe its becus i didn study then, i was trying to keep up wf the 'criteria' to be a 'teenager', learning the vulgarities was interesting, i didn noe wad the f-word was until sumone screamed it in my ear becus she dropped sumtink. then i looked it up in the dic and found that it was actually a word, as in u can use in in ur composition n stuff. if u were writing a sex-related essay tt is.

frm then on i noticed that almost every swear word is either related to sex, or the lower part of ur body.

e.g: fuck - To have sexual intercourse with.
shit - bodily wastes excreted frm the anus, which is at the lower part of ur body
bugger - To practice sodomy with ( sodomy - Any of various forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural or abnormal, especially anal intercourse or bestiality.)
asshole - anus ( see shit )

the not so sex/anus related ( and not quite vulgarities ):
damn ( norm )
bloody ( norm )
hell ( norm )
oh god ( mild )
oh man ( mild )
oh no ( the mildest )

i tink fuck is the most vulgar one, i tink there r summore but i can't seem to rmb them.


juz read thru n m still wondering how i got a list of vulgarities...

aneway, i realli hope this posts, but i shall copy this sumwhere if it doesn.

and thank you all 4 being a gd frend. pls, keep in touch.

for those hu r still appealing, or waiting 4 their appeal results, i wish u gd luck.

x 11:26 PM

Thursday, March 24, 2005

appeal unsuccessful. shall go watch lotr now.

x 6:26 PM

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

ori sux. jc sux. i hate life. and comps. i juz wrote a confession and the comp didn upload it. now is the time where i take it as a sign that god doesn wan me to confess my thots... ok, ive offically gone nuts.

write it sum other time. but i wan to sae i realli appreciate u all as my frends. n the comp better upload this.

x 10:00 PM

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

soooo, how was my result u sae? sr, im not goin anewhere...

haiz, sooo regret putting sr as second man, soooo dumb of me. well, tt and not studyin hard enuf. but its ok lah, at least i can get into a jc. and now i haf a lesson. do not leave everything until last min. and THINK, b4 u act. i tink i need a time-turner. cant wait till june 16th!!

haha, now how did tt turn to harry potter? hmm....

ah, aneway, went to mj to appeal. didn noe appealing so ma fun. now i haf to go photocopy my documents tmr and get signatures.

then we hanged ard, then we met kh to go to her very nice condo for the free gym and pool. bof severely lacking. but nice enuf. haha, im sooo mean man. didn even crossed my mind to invite pple over when i found out abt my condo.. so mean of me.

then we go hme n watch tv. now im printing stuff 4 my mom, which needs precision, and is driving me nuts when it dosen print properly. now, i gtg. show starting.

x 8:53 PM

Monday, March 21, 2005

backy, aneone got lotr trilogy? i wan to watch!!! haiz, i miss the war scenes, aneone?

x 9:51 PM

yay!! pple cheer wf me!! no school tmr!!! then i find out wad jc i got into, then i go to tt sch 4 2 daes then i holi again, cheer wf me man!!! haha, realli cheerful, fullmetal was wonderful, i tink i haf a new fav anime, kh!!! u watch aready?? go watch go watch!! kick ur siblings off the comp, or better yet, drag them to watch it wf u. YAY!!!! haha!

ok, happy mood over... ok, mb not.. heh. haiz, realli dun wan to go bck to sr man, wan mj, wan my frends.. i mean srjcians r nice ah, but i miss my frends, n i juz met them, wad, last fri? haiz.

lotr lotr!!! haha, another thing to make me happy, then listening to Boulevard of Broken Dreams also make me happy, i tink its my new fav song. hmmmm...

will be bck soon, lotr starting...

"great, where are we going?"- Pippin


x 7:15 PM

Friday, March 18, 2005

ah ha!!!! im back!!!!! haha, the comp is not fixed btw, im on my mom's lap top. aww man, i miss the net man.. shall make this short.

k, campfire was fun, though i didn realli watch it, considering i was late, then i was recounting this epi of fullmetal to soon ying cus it was sooooooo sad. sob. n i culdn keep it in. dun tink she understood me though.

then we walked ard, dunno do wad also, i tink we were waiting 4 e nitewalk to start. n soon ying was telling me this epi of naruto. now i wan to watch naruto..

basically, we scared a few pple. but i tell u 1st, if u planning to scare pple, grab their legs, tt scares them more than bouncing a ball down the stairs. im a scream addict, hehe, i like to hear screams.

then we walked ard summore n settled down at the cold hard floor of the foyer, which is kinda dumb, but the only private place avaliable to play truth or dare. actually, there is only one dare, then the rest is truth, sad man. was fun though, but i tink i enjoyed the company more than the game.

then we listened to the radio, and i stupidly lay btw kh n osha, they were singing to almost every song played. gah, culdn sleep even if i wan to... which i dun btw, culdn aneway.

slept frm 5.30am to 6.00am while freezing my ass off frm the wind. i tink it was the quietest time of the nite. no red cross screaming abt fire drills or god noes wad, and now pple walking ard 4 sentry duty.

then we went to mac 4 breakfast, cost me a pretty penny, didn fill my tummy either.

oh ya, the campfire food was crap man, takeaway nasi lemak, how cheapskate can u get?

then i went hme, read comics until 12.30, then i tink i sleep deprived or sumtink, was watching sum crappy show until 12.40 then i rmb pokemon... but i watched b4, so its ok i guz. watched tv until2, then i tried to go to sleep, but culdn until 3.30pm. weird huh? considering i stayed up the whole nite..

then i went 4 mr yeo's dinner, which has crappy food, but interesting ghost stories which im tryin to forget cus ghosts do not exist. they dun k. they dun.

so now i m telling u abt my dae.

x 11:30 PM

Monday, March 14, 2005


link to harry potter and the half-blood prince book cover

x 11:06 AM

Sunday, March 13, 2005

My comp is realli irritating, it keeps disconnecting, n I haf to reconnect it, and even then, its super slow..

I juz realized that they haf anime 4 saiyuki reload!! Happy happy. But its on animax and my parents dun allow me to but it. So kh gave me this webbie to d/l it, but it wuld take approximately 2000 plus hrs, cus there is only abt 11 seeders, pot is much faster to d/l. not to mention wf the moody internet, I doubt I culd d/l anetink fast.. y cant I haf kh's bro?? then I culd at least d/l sumtink w/o being disturbed.

Full metal is interesting, its mainly abt this idea that you cant get anetink without sacrificing sumtink else of the same value.

Hey hey kh, u tink u culd d/l saiyuki 4 me? Then I gif u cds then u burn into them, its abt 25 epi pls? after full metal I mean, n u can take ur time, im in no hurry. Pls?

I tink I read all the gd fics in fanfiction.net aready, cant seem to find anetink else to do. But I guz it's a gd tink I guz, then I can concentrate on my work..

I really hate me bro, he's such an arrogant git, I asked him very nicely where he learnt to fix the comp n stuff, n he replied I in this arrogant tone 'I learn frm the net ah' then he mumbled sumtink abt me reading or go read myself or sumtink, god I feel like punching him right in the face man, if he wasn fixin the internet, I juz mite.. bloody asshole, so wad if he got gd results, dun need to rub it in u noe. Then I juz found out the other dae that he mite haf gotten 16 4 o levels. Im juz glad I got lower than him. Now, I juz need to get aaa and get into uni.

I found out that my cousin, hu is in uni, got abb. And if u remember my cousins, they are the smart asses. So if she got abb..., I dunno wad will I get man.

She has a really interesting way of thinking the way she describes things, its very different. Like theres one time in the cinema, I was wondering how cum its like so hard to watch a movie if u sit in front, other than the fact that u haf to strain ur neck, and she juz told me, thought out on the spot, that it culd be becus u haf to turn ur head frm side to side to get the whole scene in ur vision range, it's a really interesting way of seeing things. Or mb im juz an idiot.

Btw, I found out frm her that the calculations of pts is speculation, cus one of her frend, got abc culdn get in uni, but another, hu got abd got in, im not sure abt the grades, but its ard there. meaning, sumone hu got lower grades got into uni, but another hu got higher grades didn. She also said that the 2nd or 3rd yr modules r easier to understand than the intro modules frm arts and social science, which is really weird. Sooooo, 1st yr in uni is goin to be tough. She studies a little psychology also, n the text, which is to be studied in 1 semester, is abt as thick as my bio text, which is goin to be studied for 2 yrs.

I guz rmb the other dae y I didn want to pierce my ears in the 1st place. I had this idea that we r born as we r n I saw no need to mutilate ourselves by poking holes in ourselves. But I wuld be kinda hypocritical if I say that I still believe in tt now. I tink its peer pressure that pushed me to go pierce my ears. or it culd me becus I felt like it then...I tink it's the latter. Heh.

Haf a busy wk ahead, mon n tue haf to go hospital, thur, 11.00am to god noes wad time - ice-skating, 6.00 at nite -campfire, staying up thru e nite 4 bball, fri got a-maths claz thing by mr yeo , dinner or lunch. Then I haf to study my notes over again cus I nv listened in class. Sooo, I haf to fin studying in the 1st 3 daes, which is tmr, dae after, and the dae after tmr. Mon, tue, wed.

I like my bag!!


Juz read thru and realized tt its very messy... heh, guz im feeling a bit jumbled up.

Waiting 4 results- 10 daes and counting...

x 9:36 PM

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

juz watched full metal alchemist, its realli interesting, its abt this guy hu wanted sumtink, and evoked this circle thing on the floor, and the rule is that you cant get sumtink if you dun gif, so the spell thing took his leg, and his bro got horribly mutilated, frm what i can see ah, its a bloody scene.

then it turns to the future, where he and his bro becums this realli famous metal alchemist which dunno do wad also. but basically, the guy was finding a stone, then fight fight fight, and he shows that he is 'corrupted' by the practice and tears off his cloak thing -wonders y does he does that when he can juz take it off- and shows his metal arm and leg, which is how he got his 'gang' [metal] name.

ok, there's your summary kh, i the art is quite nice, but saiyuki and pot nicer though, hehe, but ya, if u wan to d/l can ah, but im not sure if its nice after the 1st epi, kinda hard to understand cus the chi very chim chim, then my sis keep disturbing me also. so ya.

btw, found this colour code thing for html stuff:


x 6:29 PM

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

im horrified. yesterdae, my chi teacher was telling us abt the a levels results n stuff, and he was explaining to us abt the calculation of marks and addmission for uni. basically, A is 20 pts, for every lower grade, minus 2.5, so B is 17.5, so on n so forth lowest is E which is 10 pts. u need at least 50 to go in uni, so tts abt bbc, 50 plus gp, highest 8, lowest 2.5 i tink, so avg to go in to u is pass gp and a bbc grade. i tink to go into arts and social sci i need aaa. im dead. basically, highest u can get is 68. plus cca n chi, of which if u get a1/a2 can get abt 1 or 2 bonus pts. so if u add up everything, the top mrk is 75. keep dreaming if i tink i can get this man, i'll be happy i im passing my chem at a level...

n tts not all, then he went on to tell us tt we realli cant afford to retain, cus they changing the syllabus nxt yr, n its quite impossible to catch up, and if u get a grade like ccd, its not ogin to get u anewhere, cus u cant go uni, so u mite be able go to private/foreign unis, which gif u 'diplomas' which the gov doesn recognise, only private companies or sumtink. or u can apply to be a teacher, of which they provide 3yr uni course, but they choose wad u study and do after u fin. or u go poly, which is the worse choice. so basically, i HAVE to do realli realli well or i will juz hang ard doin nutink. which is a bad thing. like duh rite.

so basically, im caught btw a rock and a hard place. im tinking abt goin poly, aneone wan to join me??

x 8:43 PM

Sunday, March 06, 2005

i c a lot of pple complaining abt the jae thing so i shall complain too!!haha

but ya, i think its partially my fault i culdn get into the thingy, cus, as im like sooo busybody, i took the singpass they sent me n logged in, n since they asked me to change the password, i did, then i was like 'shuld i write it down?... nah' n wad do u noe, i forgot wad i changed it to... so i haf to go to a cc to get a new singpass. then when i came bck, n logged on, the bloody thingy gave me - verification slip, no record found - then i panicked, cus i thot i accidentally submitted a empty thingy the last time i went in, then i called the moe, n there was a queue, like on the fone?? but ya, the executive very nice though. so i waited until after 5.30, cus the system was down frm 5.00 to 5.30, then i went in n made my choice.

at least i didn haf to stay up until 3am to fin it though, i heard sum pple frm mj did tt, the lecturer was like, ' i noe sum of u stayed up until 3am for the jae application, but tt still gives u no reason to sleep in my lecture!'. ya, dumb huh? like, u noe they slept late, let them sleep ah, not like ur lecture very interesting..

then yesterdae, kh, osha and sy came over n watched samurai x on my stupid comp, which wuldn work properly.. luckily my mum's laptop can play it though, so ya, didn take the monitor n threw it on the floor. funny how pple tend to hit the monitor when its the pc's fault..

ya, the ova very sad though, even if im seeing it in bits n pieces, cus it keeps jumping. then they keep pulling out names left n right n i got lost wf hu is the gd guy n hu is the bad one, so i juz watched the faces. i didn noe kenshin has such a sad past.. now i wan to watch the series wahhhhhh.

then pot is taking a long time to d/l... n the ao haven uploaded 143, etc yet, n tezuka's bck!!!! wahahahahaha. hehe. its goin to take ages for it to cum out..

im suppose to do my hw now.. dun feel like it. i go do it later.. hopefully..

x 12:30 AM

Friday, March 04, 2005

ok, ive pierced my ears, it didn hurt as much a i thot it wuld, i tink the ant bite i got during cycling - i stopped n stood on an ant hill. stupid, i noe - was worst, i still haf the 'scar' from it. though i think the purpose of piercing my ears is to leave a scar.. shall see how it heals, mb there will be the healed tissue mark thing.. hmmm, interesting..

aneway, ive got bck my results, i got 15, which is quite gd 4 me, considering i didn study as hard as i shuld, dun regret it though, i expected worser marks. so far, the only thing i rmb studying for is am, did 10 exam papers to prepare for Os, n i got a2, i noe, im as surprised as u r.

ok, so my results are:
eng: b4 (sad huh)
combined humanities: b4 (i got a ferrero rocher frm madam hassan, i thot i was in trouble when she passed down the msg tt those hu got less than b3 has to see her...)
bio: a2 ( amazing too )
em: a2
geo: a2 (im happy :D)
chem/phy: b3 (sad man, suppose to get a1, even my bro got a2)
chi: b4 ( one grade higher than in june, n i didn even study 4 it! crappy edu system man)

i haf the wk off, juz submitted the choices, i chose mj 1st, sr 2nd, tp 3rd. hopefully i can get into either mj or sr.

i crashed mj yesterdae, indah's frend didn even recognise tt i wasnt frm mj, i hoped it was becus i blend in. but the bio lecturer said tt those hu crashed (she said 'visited' though) haf to go to the office to register. n naturally i didn. i missed the chem lecture though, cus indah was waiting 4 me inside, n i was waiting outside, n apparently a big green figure standing right outside the door wasn conspicious enuf..

now, i hope tt mj can help me get gd results for a levels, i realli wad to get into nus, n study psychology, which i heard is hard to get into. but i muz work hard also ah. - says the gurl hu hasn started on her hw, which is due on mon. - so ya wish me luck.. heh

x 8:07 PM